Recruitment Open Evening- CT1 in ACCS (Emergency Medicine, Acute Medicine, ICM & Anaesthesia) & Core Anaesthesia
Category: Training - Other
Date: November 4th 2020 6:00pm until 8:00pm
Location: Teams Meeting
If you are interested in a career in ACCS (including Emergency Medicine, Intensive Care, Acute Medicine and Anaesthetics) and/or training in Core Anaesthetics then you are warmly invited to attend this open evening.
The evening is an excellent opportunity to learn about the training routes available to you and help you prepare for submitting applications and attending interviews.
The evening is an informal affair with opportunity to ask lots of questions.
If you are considering applying for ACCS or Core Anaesthetics, now or in the future, we’d love to see you
Please register online. Teams Meeting link to follow.
6:00pm Welcome and introductions -Jo Kerr/ Tom Simpson
6:10pm Structure of ACCS -Jo Kerr (HoS, ACCS)
6:20pm Why a career in EM? -Marianne Gillings (TPD, EM)
6:30pm Why a career in AM? -Rina Adhikary (AM trainee)
6:40pm Why a career in anaesthetics? -Judith Stedeford (TPD, anaes)
6:50pm Why ACCS? -Duncan Castle (ACCS trainee rep)
7:00pm Why Core anaesthetics? -Beth McElroy (Core trainee rep)
7:10pm Why a career in ICM? -Dom Janssen (TPD, ICM)
7:20pm Recruitment: tips for success -Jo Kerr
7:30pm Q & A in break-out rooms -all
8:00pm Finish