EM Essential Training Day
Category: Training - Emergency Medicine Teaching Days
Date: November 13th 2012 9:00am until 4:30pm
Location: Milnes Walker Seminar Room, Level 7, Queens Building, BRI, Bristol BS2 8HW
ACCS Training Day
University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust, Bristol Royal Infirmary
Upper Maudlin Street, Bristol, BS2 8HW
Date : Tuesday 13th November 2012
Venue : Morning : Milne walker Seminar Room, Level 7 Queens Building, BRI
Afternoon :Interview Room 5 and Skills lab, Level 4, Education Centre, BRI,
Time Topic
0900 - 0915 Coffee and Intro Sian Veysey, ED
0915 - 1000 Paeds history / examination Zoe, Paeds ED
1000 - 1100 Fever and febrile fits Rob Stafford, ED
1100 - 1115 Coffee
1115 - 1200 Respiratory disease in children Nick Sargeant, Paeds ED
1200 - 1245 Lunch
1245 - 1345 Rashes Nick Sargeant, Paeds ED
1345 – 1430 Scenario’s / APLS / NLS Matt Rotherham, Paeds ED, Katie Hacking, Paeds ED, Sian Veysey, ED
1430 - 1445 Coffee
1445 - 1530 Scenario’s / APLS / NLS Matt Rotherham, Paeds ED, Katie Hacking, Paeds ED, Sian Veysey, ED
1530 – 1615 Scenario’s / APLS / NLS Matt Rotherham, Paeds ED, Katie Hacking, Paeds ED, Sian Veysey, ED
1615 – 1630 Close and feedback Sian Veysey, ED