ACCS Regional Teaching Day
Category: Training - Other
Date: October 12th 2021 9:30am until 4:00pm
Location: Virtual
Topic: GI Medicine
Lead: Sam Burke, Catherine Strait
0915 - 0930 - Welcome
0930 - 1015 - Garazi Zubikarai: Ascites, SBP and paracentesis
1015 - 1100 - Rhiannon Hughes: Upper GI bleeding
1115 - 1200 - Sardar Chaudhary: Dysphagia
1200 - 1245 - Jeffrey Lim (or SpR): Approach to surgical abdomen
1245 - 1330 - Lunch
1330 - 1415 - Manish Hegde: Diarrhoea
1415 - 1500 - Andrew MacAllister: GI radiology
1500 - 1545 - Moby Joseph: acute on chronic liver failure/the ITU liver patient
1545 - 1600 - Close