Approved study courses for ACCS trainees

The following list constitutes useful courses and conferences that the ACCS School Board deem appropriate for study leave.

The list is not exhaustive and other study leave courses may be approved following discussion with your Educational Supervisor. If there are any queries about the appropriateness of a course please contact Dr Vicky Stacey the ACCS ACCS Head of School and/or Dr Leilah Dare TPD.

The Severn Postgraduate Medical Education study leave policy and guidance can be found here


Resuscitation courses




European Trauma Course


Simulation courses

UK Training in Emergency Airway Management (TEAM) Course (endorsed by RCEM, FICM, RCOA)

Transport of the Critically Ill Course (e.g. those run by NBT and BMSC)

Training the Trainers course (for simulation and medical education)

Team Training for Critical Incident (e.g. BMSC)

Confidence with kids – Emergency Real-life scenarios (CONKERS – BMSC)

Acute Medical Emergencies course (BMSC)

Ill Medical Patients’ Acute Care & Treatment (IMPACT) course

Acute Life-threatening Events Recognition and Treatment (ALERT)

Basic Assessment and Support in Intensive Care Course


Ultrasound courses

Level 1 Emergency Ultrasound course (or equivalent)

Other basic ultrasound courses e.g. Focused echo, pleural ultrasound, etc

FICE (Focused Intensive Care Echocardiography)



ACCS National Trainees Day (hosted by RCOA)

Emergency Medicine Trainee Association (EMTA conference)

RCEM Annual Scientific Conference

RCEM Annual CPD Conference

Society for Acute Medicine (SAM) Conference

SICOWE : Society of Intensive Care for West of England Annual Scientific meeting

SODIT: Society of Devon Intensive Therapy Annual Scientific meeting

SASWR: Society of Anaesthetist of the SW Region Annual Scientific meeting

GAT: Group of Anaesthetists in Training (AAGBI) Annual Scientific meeting

ICS: Intensive Care Society Annual Scientific meeting

Study days organised and recognised by RCEM, RCP, RCOA, RSM