Please see the Events tab for a detailed list of primary teaching days for CT1 and 2's in Anaesthesia in 2011.
It has been our intention not to clash with Final fellowship teaching, as well as half term etc. Topics suggested are guides only to try and cover most of the syllabus and can be amended.
I have chosen the dates to prevent clashing with Final FRCA teaching sessions, exams or holidays (as much as possible) and to maximise opportunities prior to exam dates.
I have mapped the topics in the newly revamped syllabus to the expertise in different hospitals and adjusted some of the content. Weston-super-Mare is welcomed as a new teaching venue.
I have included a couple of specific exam related BMSC courses but these are not funded as part of the teaching programme but are subsidised for Bristol trainees and are highly recommended.
I am very keen to maximise the learning opportunities and would ask that the trainees are contacted (through Julie Flowers) 2 - 4 weeks in advance with a specific request to complete either on-line Anaesthetic e-learning modules or specific reading tasks, so that the session acts more like a workshop/tutorial and less like a lecture.
These sessions are an integral part of our school training programme and are key to maintaining our excellent exam results, thank you for your involvement.
Robin Cooper
Anaesthetic Core Programme Director